Monday, April 22, 2013

My Initial Thoughts on DeeDee

Hey all:

My initial thoughts on my new possible client Dee Dee Delight.  She is truly ultra mega crazo.  Though I'm sure HARV would point out that since she is the top .0001% of wealth in the world she's eccentric not crazo.  Oh, take into account that my initial thoughts are bias and not all that accurate, still they form a good starting off point.

It's easy to see she well built and stunning looking.  Sure I should be wondering why she's here and why a woman of such means needs me.  Plus her whole spiel about being dead.  Thing is for now I can't help wondering what's the DOS is up with her butt that seems to have a mind (or two minds) of its own.   My guess is this is because of a woman from the early turn of the century.  This woman, named Kim basically became wealthy because, well, she had a big butt.  Once butt enhancement technology became available it became fashionable for those of wealth to increase the girth of their backsides.  From what I understand they use nano bots I guess that would make them nano butts.  These butt bots can multiply or disperse depending on the subject's mood.  Yeah I think it's kind of crazy but I've never been quick to understand fashion or science.

But enough about butts...  Next time I'll be concentrating on the case.  Do I think she's really a zombie?  Nah, but I'm certainly interested in finding out why she thinks she's one....

Zachary N Johnson (the world's last freelance PI)

My current adventure.....

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so you have intrigued me. I'm a sci-fi geek going way back when being a Trekkie wasn't cool. So I just added your comic strip to my comic feed on as well as book marked your blog.
