Sunday, April 21, 2013

Carol Chimes In

Hi all:

I don’t believe I’m doing something as old fashioned as a blog – a word blog no less.  But Zach thinks it might be good for me to express my thoughts on e-paper to help the world get to know me.

As you probably know I am a psi.   It runs in my family.  My mom and sisters are also psis.  My mom Leah is way powerful psi.  You’ve probably seen her reality HV broadcast Leah Makes You Cluck.   On that show she walks the streets of New New York making people do whatever she pleases.  How powerful am I?  I don’t really keep track of the rating system.  I just know if I’m in the right mood and I told you to cluck you would until I told you to stop.  I also melted an ex’s car once.  Trust me he’s lucky it was just the car.

What’s it like being a psi?  I have to admit it has it’s advantages and it can be fun.  Yet it can also be  frustrating.  Once people learn I’m a psi they treat me different.  Some are scared of me.  Others look at me like I should be in a freak show.  Others think I should be locked up or at the very least kept under watch.  We psis may be powerful but we’re outnumbered 10 million to 1 one on Earth.   We need to tread lightly stay in background as much as possible.

What’s it like working for Zach?  He’s stubborn and can be a bit dense at times.  But you know these “traits” are part of what makes Zach so good at what he does.  He’s also been dealing with psis a long time so he treats us like people, not monsters or worst yet tools.  Plus working with him lets me save the world now and then.  That is pretty mega sub zero.


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